
Sunday, 17 May 2015

17th May: Mega start to the week!

This week got off to a great start and a lot of excitement with not one but two Sub-alpine warblers dropping into the Plantation on the Point on Monday 11th May.  One of these was the extremely rare Moltoni's Sub-alpine warbler, only recently separated as a species in February this year.  The other was a female Sub-alpine of unknown species - still of interest although less rare.  The male Moltoni's warbler was a first for both England and therefore Norfolk too, meaning it was a major a twitch.  It was great to see everyone enjoying the glimpses of this rare bird.
Moltoni's Warbler (Richard Porter)

Footage of male Moltoni's Warbler (Paul Nichols/ National Trust)

There was a nice supporting cast of migrants on that day too, with 4 Common Redstarts, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Whinchats, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, and 7 Yellow Wagtails.  A scan of the harbour also produced a couple of fine waders in the form of a Wood Sandpiper and a Curlew Sandpiper in summer plumage.   The rest of the week has been relatively quiet in terms of migrants.

In insect news this week we've had a few butterfly 'firsts' for the year including Common Blue, Red Admiral and Painted Lady.

Today we carried out the first major nest count of the year in the Black-headed Gull colony.
Mixed Sandwich Tern and Black-headed Gull Colony, Blakeney Point (Sarah)

With careful footwork we counted 2,075 nests, a few of those already with chicks and a couple of eggs ready to hatch.
Black-headed Gull egg hatching (Sarah)

Shell and shingle (Harry Mitchell)

Blakeney Point ranger team 2015 (Harry Mitchell)

- Paul, Sarah, Ajay and Josh

1 comment:

  1. Stuart Warrington19 May 2015 at 11:10

    Excellent news. Lovely photos too.
