
Sunday, 10 May 2015

10th of May: Sandwiches on Eggs

We can now confirm that Sandwich Terns are once again nesting on the Point; today we counted 400+ nests in the main colony on Far Point.
Sandwich Tern (Ian Ward)

Oystercatcher nests are springing up all over the place with many pairs returning to their regular nest sites, and Redshank nests are being found too so all four resident waders are now on eggs.
Oystercatcher (Ian Ward)

Little Terns are displaying above their usual nesting areas and you can clearly hear their characteristic chatter.  They should start to settle this week.

We also have four pairs of Mediterranean Gulls on the Point.

 Mediterranean Gull (Ian Ward)

The chicks from the first Skylark nest of the season that we were following have now fledged, leaving behind an empty nest.  Eggs in the Pied Wagtail nest have now hatched - the same adult pair successfully fledged two broods last year so we're hoping for an equally good season for them this year.  

Many plants are now flowering and it is lovely to see the pretty blooms of Sea Campion, Thrift, and Bird's-foot-trefoil (commonly known as Eggs and Bacon or Granny's Toenails) and Heath Dog-violet amongst others.  
Heath Dog-violet (Ian Ward)

We currently have Bluebells not just at Bullfer Grove but on the Long Hills too, however we reckon the display at Bullfer Grove is the one worth visiting!
 Bluebells on the Long Hills (Sarah)

In Migrant news things have been relatively quiet.  The Shorelarks are still here but down to three birds now.  We have also had a male and a female Whinchat (seen on separate days), Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Wheatears, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, and numerous Swifts, Swallows and House Martins passing through.

Cock Pheasants have been spotted fighting down near the Hood.
Cock pheasants fighting at the Hood (Richard Porter)

Pheasants have done funny things in the past.  One particular cock took up residence on the shingle ridge a few years ago and would attack anybody or anything (even the quad bike) that got in his way.
Pheasant on the quad bike, 2010 (B. Beuche)

 - Paul, Sarah and Ajay

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