
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Morston Bridge Update: 29 April

Since my last update we have installed signage to explain the project to visitors and we have moved the geotextile matting over the muddy area close to Bridge 3. The geotextile has worked well as the impact on the marsh has been minimal.

By the end of this week the temporary bridge crossing at Bridge 2 will be complete. This approach has been taken to provide a safe working platform not affected by tides and that will enable access and egress from Bridge 4. This also means that works can continue regardless of the state of the tide.

The pontoons for Bridge 4 were due to be moved at the end of April but has been deferred due to predicted strong winds. This is planned to be completed by 16 May.

Piling at Bridge 2 will commence next week with the bridge being completed and subsequently the scaffold bridge being removed in early June.

Later this week we will be improving the path between Bridge 1 and where the geotextile starts that leads to the scaffold bridge. We are planning on placing shingle between a wooden edge to keep it out of the mud. 

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