
Sunday, 27 April 2014

27th of April: Return of the terns

We are delighted to announce that all four of our breeding tern species are now present on Blakeney Point, with the first Little, Arctic and Common all arriving this week. Tonight there were eight pairs of Arctic Terns on Far Point.
 Arctic Terns over Far Point this evening

Little Tern fencing has once again been put up in the two usual places, either side of the Watch House, on the shingle ridge. In addition to this, two extra areas of fencing have been provided to help Little Terns and Ringed Plovers, the latter having declined dramatically in recent years.
 Ringed Plover pair inside a newly fenced area

This weekend, the Meadow Pipit eggs behind our shed hatched...
Migration has been evident. On Thursday a Wryneck appeared near the Watch House and was photographed by Richard Porter:

Other arrivals include an impressive spring count of 50 Wheatears on Saturday along with the odd Whinchat, a few Redstarts, Blackcaps and Whitethroats. As well as birds arriving, other birds have been departing: Song Thrushes, Robins and Fieldfares. Flocks of Curlews are heading north while, as are their smaller cousins, the Whimbrel.

Fish of the week: the Dogfish. These small sharks are regularly found washed up on the Point, but this one was in particularly fresh condition. They are sometimes sold in fish n' chip shops under the name of Rock Salmon - you may even have eaten one!

Invertebrate news: New species of caterpillar continue to emerge. Amongst them are these Brown-tail moths. Large numbers can be found in webs on bushes. They are in fact considered a health hazard as their fine hairs are an irritant.

A number of Blakeney Point's plant species are in bloom. These include the bright, white Sea Campion...

the delicate, blue Heath Dog-violet....

and the pink pom-pom-like flowers of Thrift...

- Ajay, Paul and Sarah,
the Blakeney Point Rangers

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