
Monday, 26 August 2013

25th of August: Flippin' heck, another Wryneck

The birdwatchers' year on Blakeney Point is dominated by migration. To witness a large fall of migrants is a most rewarding experience for those who see it, this however is a rare event. This weekend a wide range and good numbers of birds were seen. The suaeda and brambles were literally dripping with birds. Through social media and rare bird reporting services, word spread and several visitors were able to enjoy a memorable visit to Blakeney Point.

Saturday saw a Booted Warbler, Icterine Warbler, 3 Wrynecks, 20 Pied Flycatchers and 3 Spotted Flycatchers, a good haul but nothing compared to the next day. On Sunday 15 Wrynecks were present - to see just one of these cryptic creatures will put a smile on most birders' faces for the day. Also seen were 3 Icterine Warblers, 10 Tree Pipits, 60 Common Redstarts, 15 Whinchats, 75 Willow Warblers, 60 Pied Flycatchers, 20 Spotted Flycatchers, 40 Wheatears, 3 Dotterels and a Common Rosefinch. A truly spectacular and memorable couple of days.

Wryneck (photographed by Richard Porter)

 Pied Flycatcher

 Common Redstart

 Spotted Flycatcher

Willow Warbler

Booted Warbler (photographed by Richard Porter)

Recent low tide seal counts include 520 Grey and 128 Common on the 23rd, 555 Grey and 232 Common on the 25th, and 598 Grey and 298 Common today.

Migrations was also evident among the butterflies, with three Clouded Yellows being seen in the last three days as well as Painted Ladies and Silver Y moths observed in good numbers.

Clouded Yellow (photographed by Richard Porter)

Now that the breeding bird season has ended, there is wider access on the Point and the dog restrictions have been lifted until next April. Please do keep dogs on leads however, as this limits disturbance to roosting birds on the beach at high tide.

- Paul and Ajay (with photos by Matt)

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