
Sunday, 11 August 2013

11th of August: Paranormal on the Point

Paranormal activity on the Point... After an intense meteor shower on Saturday night, a bright light was seen hovering over the lifeboat house. Shortly afterwards we were visited by these three otherworldly beings. They spoke no words but communicated with us by telepathy. Their message was clear: "we love the blog, keep up the good work".

Change is constant on Blakeney Point. The beach and saltmarsh change everyday with the tides. Amongst the shifting sands stands something solid: a sign. The photograph below was taken last spring.
This same view today shows how, in a short space of time, embryo dunes have started to form around the sign, being stabilised by Marram grass. Paul is in fact the same height as Graham!

As well as numerous changes to the shape, length and vegetation of the Point, certain views have changed little over the years. The below photograph was taken in the 1920s. The boat visible in the distance is more than likely the houseboat on which Bob Pinchen (the first National Trust Watcher) lived with his family.
Around 90 years later, it was easy to find the same dune, and the view is very similar.
The two huts remain, although heavily renovated over the years, and the Laboratory is 100 years old, now shadowed by a rather large clump of Tamarisk. 

We are delighted to report that we have had our first ringed Sandwich Tern sighting. On Thursday, 50 days after being ringed as a chick on the Point, 'KCC' was spotted at Caperduin, de Putton on the Dutch coast, having travelled 251km east. The bird looked to be healthy. It is fascinating to be learning so much more about the Sandwich Terns that were born here on Blakeney Point.

Amongst our recent wildlife sightings was this Short-winged Conehead - a bush cricket. Bird sightings over the past couple of days included Common and Green Sandpipers, Greenshank and Yellow Wagtails.

This afternoon's low tide seal count on the West Sands totalled an impressive 932 Grey and 309 Common.

This week's Sunday evening blog post was written by Paul and Ajay, with photography by Darren Lennard, Ajay and Matt.

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