
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

April update from Brancaster Activity Centre

We could have done with the better weather over Easter – we had some really chilly drop in sessions, and for only the second time in about 5 years had a day when we really couldn’t get out on the water in either boat with our groups.  An intrepid bunch of taster session customers went Kayaking with Nige’ in the more sheltered creeks, and after taking some time to get back against the wind, understandably decided against the second session they had booked; whilst the disappointed sailors also, unsurprisingly, decided that kayaking wouldn’t be much fun either.

Those of you who come by the Centre may have noticed the newly painted picnic tables and chairs, the most obvious of many tasks done by our lovely Working Holiday group who stayed over the second week of the Easter Holidays.

Other missions achieved that week included ragwort pulling on Branodunum, boosting the wildflower population of Branodunum, surveying the plants of our dunes, litterpicking the beach (no WWII equipment this time) and of course having lots of fun.

Sand dune plant survey

We’ve had a couple more residential schools, one a longstanding customer from some 12 years or more, and another Special interest week-end – photography this time.

Roman Activity on Branodunum

At the Deepdale festival Nita, Seb and Sarah  introduced about 12 people to orienteering (including a Norfolk Orienteering Club member who was delighted with what we were doing to promote the sport) whilst the rest of the team (with the aid of a couple of deck chairs) manned a stand at the festival.

Our current Full-Time Volunteers are Seb, Beca and Sarah. Seb is currently responsible for updating our Facebook page, and all three are assisting with administration as well as teaching and development.  They are also working with Alex on an exciting event on the beach for the new 50 things launch on 4th May.


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