
Thursday, 25 April 2013

25th of April: Migration

One of the many great things about working on Blakeney Point is witnessing bird migration. While stationed on the beach to talk to visitors, we are able to record birds flying west. Over the past few days there have been movements of Hirundines and today we counted 360 Swallows, 18 Sand Martins and 60 House Martins over the dunes and beach. The first Swifts of the year (six of them) were also seen moving through, as well as several Whimbrel and four Yellow Wagtails. The first Swifts of last year were one day later, and on the 10th of May an estimated 5,000 flew over.

An obliging Swallow in the garden

Today there were 12 Wheatears on the 'headland', yesterday 18 Willow Warblers were recorded as well as two Redstarts and on Monday a male Ring Ouzel was seen (today there were six on nearby Friary Hills). Both Common and Lesser Whitethroat have also made an appearance this week.

Another interesting recent sighting was this lamprey. It had washed up on the beach and was being fed on by gulls.

Although the weather has been warm, few plants are in flower on the Point. One exception is this Field Pansy, Paul found a number in bloom in the dunes.

All photos were taken by Matt - click to enlarge

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