
Sunday, 3 June 2012

3rd of June: The Trials and Tribulations of a Ringed Plover

Although our birds are all well under way with their breeding this year, others are still busy with their journey to colder climes further North. These Ringed Plover took a break from their migration yesterday evening and roosted up near the Lifeboat House at high tide.

Unfortunately they had chosen to rest right next to one of our nesting pairs of Ringed Plover, who weren't at all impressed with their new neighbours. The female soon ran down and did her best to chase them away, obviously not happy with sharing her territory. The birds breeding in the UK are of the nominate race hiaticula, and as can be seen here are noticeably larger and paler than these tundrae birds of Northen Europe.

She puffed up and ran at and flew around the new arrivals, harassing them until they moved away.

Satisfied that she had her personal space back, she returned to her nest, which has been caged by the wardens to prevent the eggs being taken by predators.
Joe Cockram

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