
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

29th of May: A Visit from Blakeney Primary School

Over the past two days, we have been spending some time with four Year 6 children and two teachers from Blakeney Primary School. They stayed overnight in the Watch House. We took them on a walk up the point, talking about the habitats, history and wildlife as well as carrying out a variety of activities including looking at moths, fencing around Oystercatcher nests and looking out from the watch tower. It was a pleasure to show them around the reserve and talk about the work we do here, and to see them enjoy themselves and show an interest in our work and the wildlife.
Fun in the sun with Blakeney Primary (Niki Lowndes)

Watching Swallows (Edward Stubbings)

In the watch tower (Ajay Tegala)

This evening our first Oystercatcher chicks started to hatch, by the landing stage. This was the first Oystercatcher nest we found, on the 1st of May. Fledged Wrens were also seen zipping around in the Suaeda near the Long Hills.

With the exception of regular Spotted Flycatcher sightings, things have been rather quiet migrant-wise over the last few days. However, an interesting variety of migrants were seen on the point today. Things started off slowly with a Chiffchaff and a Collared Dove. A Song Thrush and a Goldcrest were seen later in the day. But the two definite highlights were a female Bluethroat at the Long Hills (the fourth Bluethroat of the season!) and a splendid Grey-headed Yellow Wagtail on Near Point.

- Eddie and Ajay

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