
Saturday, 13 May 2017

The Shorts are On

After the past few weeks of freezing-cold North-Easterly winds, the rangers on the Point where beginning to wonder if spring would ever come.. How quickly things can change! Over the last few days, South-Easterly winds have brought very pleasant (and much appreciated!) warmer air to replace the Arctic chill - which no doubt our nesting birds will have been waiting for.

After a decidedly slow start to the nesting season, things are beginning to "heat up" with lots of waders and passerines such as meadow pipits and skylarks becoming much more territorial. This is fantastic news, as visitors to the point are being treated to a dazzling array of wonderful breeding displays and beautiful bird song - this really is a awesome time to get out and get exploring on the point!

One of the highlights of the week was that our lonely single pair of avocet, nesting on the shingle by Cley, finally have some company with the rangers seeing nearly twenty avocet within their newly extended fenced-off area; such amazing birds! The ever-charismatic little terns are also beginning to return in larger numbers from their winter home in Africa, with a group of around sixty seen feeding on Wednesday evening at sunset over the flooded saltmarsh behind the bird hide. This coming week sees the beginning of another year for our lovely volunteer Little Tern Warden team who will be based out of the bird hide on the shingle. So if you're walking up the beach, why not stop in for a chat and learn more about these stunning little birds and the work we are doing to protect them.

The change in wind direction has also meant some interesting migrant birds have been spotted on the Point this week, including whinchat, sand marten, yellow wagtail, a very handsome male ring ouzel and two spotted flycatchers. The cuckoo has also been seen around the point most days this week, with it's calls making summer seem closer than ever.

Ryan Doggart
Seasonal Assistant Ranger

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