
Sunday, 17 August 2014

17th of August: Fences down

The 2014 breeding bird season is coming to an end on Blakeney Point, with many of our terns already many miles away.
Terns at Blakeney (Ian Ward)

The seasonal dog ban has been lifted and dog walkers are now welcome all of the way up the Point. All dogs should still be kept on leads, this helps to prevent disturbance to Norfolk's best loved waders that roost on the shoreline - Curlews and Oystercatchers.

With all Little Terns now fledged, the fenced enclosures on the shingle ridge have been taken down. The very tip of the Point remains fenced throughout the year to protect seals.

Signs and stakes ready to be stored away for the winter

Over the next few days we will be taking down the remaining fence-lines on the headland and getting stuck into report writing. It isn't all over yet, however. We have a nest of day-old Swallow chicks in the Old Lifeboat House roof, being busily fed by their parents so that they can grow strong ready for their migration to Africa in just a few week's time. There is also still a clutch of Common Tern chicks on the very tip of the Point, which are yet to take their first flight.

Small numbers of Wheatears are being seen on their return migration, and on Monday a Common Whitethroat appeared in the garden. Other bird sightings this week included several Whimbrels, a couple of Hobbies and the occasional Yellow Wagtail.

In other news...
The terns aren't the only birds to have received rings this summer... This year's Seasonal Rangers, Paul and Sarah, who met on the Point, got engaged this week. We wish them all the very best.

- Ajay, Coastal Ranger

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