
Monday, 30 September 2013

30th of September: Young Rangers

Over the past few weeks, Academy Ranger George has been busy putting together a Young Ranger scheme for Blakeney NNR. Throughout this academic year, children from Blakeney and Langham Primary Schools will be doing a variety of conservation activities across the reserve and learning about its wildlife. They will then get a Young Ranger award at the end of the year.

The first activity was a litter pick on the Point and walk across the harbour. Thanks to both schools, the beach is looking much tidier.
 Children from Langham picking litter on Blakeney Point

Our friend and volunteer, Richard Porter, is currently in Iraq where he is involved in conservation work. Recently, he was also involved in a litter pick with primary school children. Along the edge of the Euphrates, there was a competition between schools as part of celebrations for the re-flooding of Iraq's Southern Marshes.
Children litter picking in Iraq (Richard Porter)

On Blakeney Point over the last few days a couple of rarities have turned up. As our followers on Twitter will know, yesterday a Bluethroat was found amongst the Suaeda on Far Point. This beautiful bird is the classic Blakeney Point rarity. Over the past two days, the bushes have been full of thrushes. It was quite magical seeing so many Song Thrushes in a small area. There were about 60 in the garden and 80 in the Plantation along with a few Redwings. Brent Geese have also been on the move, with several hundred flying over, and many feeding on the mudflats, their soft calls travelling across the harbour.

From Thursday to Friday, a Little Bunting was present on the Point. This attractive, small bird breeds in northeastern Europe and is a rare vagrant in Britain. This Gem moth is a rarity in Norfolk. It is an immigrant and there have only been a few records of it in the county.

Our latest seal count was conducted on Friday and recorded 886 Grey and 231 Common.

Suddenly September has disappeared and tomorrow it will be October. The nights are drawing in and a wonderful autumn feeling is present along the Norfolk Coast. Blackberries are abundant and sunrises and sunsets truly special...

- Ajay

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