
Tuesday, 21 May 2013

21st of May: Birds in the house, elephants in the garden

When running a moth trap in the garden, we always look forward to finding the large and colourful hawk moths. Today it was a pleasure to simply come across a fresh Small Elephant Hawk moth in the grass.

After a weekend of great migrant bird sightings, things were a bit quieter today with just a Willow Warbler and a handful of Wheatears. Yesterday the Bluethroat was still around, as well as a Whinchat and a Grasshopper Warbler.

We continue to find new nests everyday, with a total of over 40 Oystercatcher nests (although a number of eggs have been predated by gulls and possibly even a Short-eared Owl). The Pied Wagtail eggs can't be too far away from hatching. The adult bird is sitting tight on the nest - we are delighted that they have nested in a box on the side of the shed:
The Pied Wagtail is just about visible on the nest
(click to enlarge)

Every year we get swallows flying inside the house at some point. One year they nested in the public toilets. We have to put a bead curtain up to stop them flying into the visitor centre. This one seemed quite content perching on a tripod strap in the kitchen.

- Paul and Ajay


  1. Hi guys.
    I'm enjoying the blog updates. I think your moth is a Small Elephant Hawk Moth, looking at the wing and body pattern.
    All the best,

    1. Thanks for the comment James.
      Of course it is - I will ammend the post.
      Many thanks, Ajay
