
Monday, 4 March 2013

Update on the lifeboat house refurb works

Lots has been happening with the Lifeboat house project over the last week or so.

The installation of the insulation is nearing completion and most of the old cladding has been replaced. The outside of the new lookout tower is finished and we have installed swift boxes onto it in the hope of attracting them as a breeding species. We have been playing swift calls the last couple of summers so hopefully some young birds will spot the potential and use the boxes.

No more a rotten window

A new fireplace has gone in and a flue fitted to take the new wood burner that will provide heat to the downstairs, two upstairs bedrooms reducing the use of gas heaters.

The flooring is starting to be replaced inside, the new office desk installed and some of the old furniture that no longer meets regualtions removed.

However by far the most obvious and for me exciting feature is the massive new doors on the front. Paul Dawson from Draper & Nicholls sent me this picture on Friday night of them just finished. I am glad I am not painting them!

Victoria, Countryside Manager

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