
Monday, 18 March 2013

Energy Busting Success

The National Trusts energy outreach programmes help Norfolk County Council rank as top performer for carbon reductions.

Norfolk County Council have been ranked 25th out of 2097 in a Public League table for carbon reduction. The National Trusts Energy Busters and eFutures programmes have been recognised for their contribution in achieving this success.

Around 78% of Norfolk County Councils carbon emissions are from schools. Improvements in the energy efficiency of school buildings has been supported by behavioural change achieved through the National Trusts energy education programmes run in partnership with Norfolk County Council.
Schools have made a major contribution to the reduction in emissions. The Energy Busters (Primary and Special schools) and eFutures (secondarys schools) programmes have now supported nearly 400 Norfolk schools and this has resulted in significant carbon and energy cost savings in these schools.

Joanna Rowland, Learning Manager for the National Trust, said: "The National Trust is thrilled that our partner has achieved such a high ranking in the CRC Public League table. We have enjoyed empowering students, in nearly 400 schools, to reduce their energy consumption through the delivery of the Energy Busters and eFutures programmes. We would like to thank every school child in Norfolk that has participated in Energy Busters and eFutures for their enthusiasm, dedication and hard work in reducing energy consumption in their school communities. This result could not have been achieved without them."

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