
Thursday, 27 September 2012

27th of September: Autumnwatch

Today, Richard Taylor-Jones and the BBC Autumnwatch team spent the day on Blakeney Point. Their focus was the seals. Paul was interviewed about the increasing Grey Seal population on the Point and filmed conducting a seal count with Ajay. Numbers were 446 Grey and 349 Common Seals.

Richard and the team will be returning to the Point in December to film Grey Seal pups for BBC Winterwatch. It is anticipated that this year over 1,000 pups will be born on Blakeney Point.

Photo: Iain Wolfe

Following Monday's big fall of migrants, numbers were much smaller today with only one Redstart. Four Wheatears, four Willow Warblers, a Sparrowhawk and a Merlin were also seen. Pink-footed Geese are now being seen everyday, with 300+ recorded today and 20 Brent Geese.

Recently, we found this Common Shrew hiding in a bag containing mealworms, which it was feeding on with relish. Sightings of shrews are daily in the Lifeboat House at the moment, they have even scurried over our feet.
Common Shrew (Edward Stubbings)

- Ajay

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