
Friday, 6 July 2012

Point Break: final thoughts

Hello, Steve Downes here for the final time. Having made a temporary nest at Blakeney Point, I am about to fly home to Cromer to be back with my brood. I'd better forage at some shops on the way, otherwise they'll be disappointed.
It's a grey final day, but it has been illuminated by the sight of a marsh harrier, five herons, eight sanderlings, whimbrel, ringed plover, curlew, lapwings and a gaggle of greedy gannets. Oh, not to mention two hares bobbing between bushes.
I'm still distilling my thoughts at the end of five of the best days of my life. My early conclusions are that I am ashamed that it has taken me 38 years to spend time at this remarkable place, and grateful to have been given the opportunity to do so in the company of people with passion, patience and knowledge.
Other conclusions are:
1/ I must buy some binoculars
2/ I must get out more, to see the delights of my home county, Norfolk
3/ I must be more observant, looking up and around me to see the abundance of life
4/ I must spend more time talking to my children about the natural world, to instil in them a respect and passion for nature
5/ If I come here again, I must bring more food. Fresh air makes you hungry, and the wardens are more ravenous than all the sandwich tern chicks combined.
As I sign off, I have just seen my first spoonbill. Old hat to most of you, but an exciting moment for me.

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