
Friday, 27 July 2012

27th of July: Coloured Rings... but not for the Olympics

This week's weather has been really rather nice after one of the coldest, wettest and windiest seasons in memory. There has been little wind, balmy temperatures, barely any rain and a few more butterflies. The only down side to all this is that the Little Terns have abandoned the main beach colony due, probably, to a late start to the season, bad weather, surge tides and numerous predators (Heron, Kestrel, Hobby, Short-eared Owl and all the usual ground predators) picking away at the edges of the colony. It looks like from 4-5 colonies and a maximum of 140 pairs only around 25 young will fledge. After last year's success with 160 breeding pairs fledging 140 young this years paltry performance is quite disappointing.
Photo by Joe Cockram

A few more migrants have been passing through today. Joe saw a Willow Warbler and a juvenile Stonechat at the Hood and Paul saw a few seabirds (1 Red-throated Diver, 32 Common Scoter, 1 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Pomerine Skua)  whilst looking for cetaceans (whales and dolphins) for the Seawatch National Whale and Dolphin Watch. Interestingly, the Stonechat was colour ringed (LBC, B; RBG, M) on the 1st of June at Gramborough Hill by Birgitta Bueche, or Bee (Eddie's better half).

- Eddie

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