
Tuesday, 12 June 2012

We're otterly pleased to have captured this!

From time to time we hear reports of otters being spotted on Blakeney Freshes, part of Blakeney National Nature Reserve, or we see signs that they have been using the grazing marshes and associated ditch network, but without knowing how frequent they are.

So we set ourselves a challenge! Chris, who is our seasonal ranger for Blakeney NNR and owns a remote trail camera, set it up in a good location and left it for a week or so. When he retrieved it the first time, the camera captured multiple images of reeds blowing in the wind so we repositioned it and left it for another week, and in addition to swans and reed warblers look what we captured on it!

We really didn't expect to get such good footage after only two weeks and in daylight and it has set a standard now! What is really nice with this clip is that the otter has checked out the camera and blocked the sensor turning it to night vision mode! We realise the date is wrong but the time is right.

Have you seen otters in the Blakeney area? Let us know and we will collate the sightings.

I am off now to do other work but couldn't wait to share this with you.

Victoria Francis
Countryside Manager

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