
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

20th of June: Arctic Tern Chick

Like most years, there are about six nesting pairs of Arctic Terns on the point this year. They have the longest migration of any bird on earth, wintering off South Africa and Antarctica and breeding in northern Europe and the Arctic. Today the first Arctic Tern chick of the season hatched:
Newly hatched Arctic Tern chick (Paul Nichols)

The seven Gadwall chicks have now left the nest, leaving eleven Grey Partridge eggs. They are no longer being incubated by the Gadwall... or a partridge. Although the eggs are getting cold, the warm weather seems to have been enough to enable a couple of them to start hatching! It will be interesting to see what becomes of any partridge chicks that successfully hatch.
Grey Partridge eggs starting to hatch (Ajay Tegala)

The Ringed Plover chicks near the Lifeboat House are both alive and well, constantly scurrying around the mud looking for the tiniest of morsels.
Photo: Joe Cockram

- Joe

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