Wednesday, 25 November 2015

25th of November: Pup count reaches four figures

Last Wednesday's Grey Seal pup count on Blakeney Point totalled 573. This was 30 more than the same date last year, suggesting that we may be heading for another record-smashing season.

Today's count revealed that a lot of pups have been born over the last week. With newborn pups further east along the Point than ever before, we knew it was going to be a high count.

An impressive total of 1269 pups were recorded.
Including this one:
While we make every effort to cordon off the breeding area, seals have a habitat of moving and disobeying our fence-lines. If you visit the Point, please obey our signs and give all seals plenty of space. For more information, see our web-site. And don't forget, the best way to see the seals is from the ferry trips that go regularly from Morston Quay.

- Ajay

Sunday, 15 November 2015

15th of November: Seal story so far

This week has seen the Grey Seal pupping really kick into full swing. Monday's count totalled 64 live pups. A count on Wednesday recorded 149, an increase of 85 in two days.

One of this year's first pups (Ajay Tegala)

We will be doing another count in the next few days, be sure to check our Facebook page to  find out the result.

Grey Seals on the beach (Peter King)

For anybody in the area looking for something to do on Thursday evening, look no further... at 7.30pm our volunteer Richard Porter is giving an illustrated talk at Cley Village Hall, Cley next-the-Sea. It is titled 'Life on the Edge - the Wildlife of Blakeney Point'. Richard will be talking about not only the birds, but also the plants, butterflies and mammals of this special place. The cost is £2.00 to Norfolk Wildlife Trust members and £2.50 to non-members, with refreshments provided.
Fieldfare on Blakeney Point (Richard Porter)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

2nd of November: First seal pup

The first seal pups of the winter were born on the Point on Sunday (1st). We went out the following morning, to make sure they were doing okay, and took ITV Anglia news with us - you can see their report here.